With this step, we are underpinning our claim from day one to the highest possible quality of our platform by obtaining the ISO 27001 certification. This internationally recognized standard showcases our commitment to information security and data protection in all aspects of our services.
Based on our exclusive European infrastructure with dedicated routes to Asia and the US, we enable the highest speed, reliability, and agility for the high demands in digital and physical product development. The ISO 27001 certification further strengthens our position by ensuring robust risk management and security measures are in place to protect sensitive information.
Highest scalability and state-of-the-art interfaces make DMIx a future-proof ecosystem, with ISO 27001 compliance providing additional assurance to clients that their data is protected and regulatory requirements are met.
Today, we effectively connect thousands of brands, manufacturers, and users every day and hold a total of more than 3 million specific assets in the areas of color, material, and product. The ISO 27001 certification highlights our dedication to maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients by prioritizing information security in our ever-expanding ecosystem.